Friday, February 02, 2007

sick of this

If I had a job, I would have called in sick today.

With all due respect to my sister's current illness, I have one of those colds that makes putting on slippers seem like a lot of work, to say nothing of going all the way downstairs to do some laundry.

My current attention span allows me to stare alternately at the closed blinds and then at the wall and then back again, making the paint look striped. Fun!

In one burst of energy earlier this morning, I managed to get Josh's laptop, make toast, and take any vitamins and unexpired cold meds I could find in the cabinet. Medicine head, anyone?

I've been catching up on re-caps of old Amazing Race episodes, one finger poking out of the blanket nest to hit the "next page" button. Momily and those crazy Guidos are currently racing through Tunisia, which brings back some good memories.

Josh gets home in a couple of hours...hopefully this box of Kleenex lasts that long. We're supposed to go to Topeka tomorrow to have lunch with the 'rents...maybe Mom will bring me the box of Adventures in Odyssey tapes and a pot to bang on when I need someone to come fluff my pillows!


Anonymous said...

My're sick....and have been for some time....

I'm calling you tonight!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! I had to hunt around to find you but I have:) We were in Mexico for your wedding but heard through Roxy and the Lightners that it was lovely. Sorry you are sick. May God heal you quickly and may your year be blessed. I will be 35 on the 27th and I cant remember where you fall in the b-day realm, but know you are loved even if you havnt heard from me in forever!!:)
God bless!