Happy 28th Birthday to me!

This birthday sort of snuck up on me.
I've been ridiculously sick for the past 6 days...I hope someone remembered to feed my husband and our cat, because I have not.
Last year I spent my birthday riding a bus home to South Dakota from a missions conference in Texas. That's a long ride, even (especially?) with good friends like Alyssa, Kylie, Kate, Jessica, Sue, Jenna and Char. I miss you, ladies! Also, Happy Birthday Buddy to Jamie!
(and to the late great Gipper himself, Ronald Reagan.)
I was dreading turning 27 last year, feeling old and spinsterly and wanting very much to quit my masters program. I was also quite nervous because a few weeks after the Texas trip, I was planning a trip down to Kansas City to meet some e-harmony guy, Josh, for the first time. Needless to say, it's been quite a year!
So suddenly it's my birthday again. I live in a new state, have a new name, a husband and a cat, hopefully a new job, and a new understanding of God's provident grace.
Thanks to all the tremendously special people who have made it a great day and who will make this an amazing 28th year of my life.
Everybody, eat cake!
(p.s. Josh doesn't like icing, so that's win-win for us!)
I've been ridiculously sick for the past 6 days...I hope someone remembered to feed my husband and our cat, because I have not.
Last year I spent my birthday riding a bus home to South Dakota from a missions conference in Texas. That's a long ride, even (especially?) with good friends like Alyssa, Kylie, Kate, Jessica, Sue, Jenna and Char. I miss you, ladies! Also, Happy Birthday Buddy to Jamie!

I was dreading turning 27 last year, feeling old and spinsterly and wanting very much to quit my masters program. I was also quite nervous because a few weeks after the Texas trip, I was planning a trip down to Kansas City to meet some e-harmony guy, Josh, for the first time. Needless to say, it's been quite a year!
So suddenly it's my birthday again. I live in a new state, have a new name, a husband and a cat, hopefully a new job, and a new understanding of God's provident grace.

Thanks to all the tremendously special people who have made it a great day and who will make this an amazing 28th year of my life.
Everybody, eat cake!
(p.s. Josh doesn't like icing, so that's win-win for us!)
Hi Sarah,
Happy Belated Birthday. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy reading your blog. You are a great writer (were you an English major??) Even though we are cousins, I feel as if we don't know eachother very well. It's probably because I was "stuck up" and thought I was "too cool" to play with my younger cousins when I was little because of the age gap - but when you think of the gap between me and your uncle David, there's hardly a gap between you and me. As I get older I realize how important family is, especially when you don't live in the same state as them anymore! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I occassionaly check your blog to see what you and Josh are up to and I enjoy reading your blips! Feel free to keep in touch. And if you're ever in Denver feel free to stop in and say hi! God Bless, Your "much older, and cooler"(at one time - or at least I thought I was) cousin Kristen,
Hey--YOU have a CAT??? HUh??? I hope y'all get along :o)
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