Friday, October 27, 2006

Odds and Ends

I'm cleaning out my email in-box, and I ran across a couple of funny memories from my summer in Lithuania.

Lithuanian farmers keep cows out in the fields near the houses by tying a rope around the cow's neck, and attaching it to a big 5-gallon-bucket-size cement boulder.

The cow can walk around a bit, but won't go too far.

So I was looking at several black-and-white cows in a field, and then I see this stork nearby. You know, a big black and white bird with long legs and a big bill...very common here.

Suddenly in my head, I imagined the stork and all his stork buddies protesting this cruel treatment of cows, by tying themselves up to ropes with little plastic cups full of cement on the ends, making a peaceful picket-line along the highway.


Also worthy of note: Actual sample sentences from my grammar book on comparative and superlative adjectives.

Superman is tough.

Tarzan is tougher than Superman.

But I, Big Bird, am the toughest of all.


Anonymous said...

If Big Bird is tough, it's probably because he's over-cooked. Thanksgiving feasters, beware!

Anonymous said...

Awww.. Big bird is sweet!

God bless
Maria in the UK