Tuesday, October 17, 2006

numbers make me tired

1 Inch added to the hem of my fiance's wedding pants

2 Radio stations between Omaha and St. Joseph

3 Items accidentally left at the fiance's house

4 Types of Doritos at reunion picnic

5 Years since I graduated from Sterling College

6 Kinds of dessert served at our couple's bridal shower

7 Dead skunks on the side of the road

8 Items crossed off my to-do list today

9 Boxes of my belongings moved to the fiance's house this trip

10 Minutes late The Amazing Race started on Sunday

13 Friends at the SC Class of '01 reunion

61 Dollars for a Missouri Marriage License

310 Love Gift dollars in the Living Room Furniture Fund

588 1/2 Hours until the wedding

900 Students at Derrick Thomas Academy, where I interviewed for a reading specialist position

1283 Miles put on my car this weekend

Value of fellowship with old friends, parents, and my home church family? Infinite.


Anonymous said...

Sure am glad we taught you to count. Who knew it would lead to this?

Anonymous said...

Your mom is funny Sarah. I'm excited to meet her at the wedding. Half hours? I've never heard anyone count down in half hours. That was my favorite part. Counting down with you...
: )