Here are a few highlights from the past weeks:
*Josh and I celebrated our 1st "first sight" anniversary...February 25 was one year from the day we actually met in person.

*My job at 500 Reach is going well. It's pretty rewarding to work with these people who are returning to school after facing some tough realities. I'm continually inspired and blessed by their personal stories and hard work.
*Small group continues to be awesome. We're through 3 chapters of The Jesus I Never Knew, and we're learning a lot! Good-bye, flannel-board Jesus!

This week we're trying live worship with Josh and Mike S on the guitar, and Phil on the violin. I'm sure it will be a joyful noise! We're anticipating adding two if not three new couples to the group...we're going to need more chairs!
I think everyone in our group is sort of surprised (or relieved?) to find that they enjoy hanging out with eachother outside of small group, too. It's like we knew we were all in it for Thursday Bible Study, but we've also had fun playing UNO and Speed Scrabble

*Josh took a 4-day trip to Birmingham for Brice's wedding, and had many adventures including

*Husband-less for the first time in 4 months, I spent Friday night hanging out with BJ, Gail, Sharla, Donna, Emily, Tionna, Denise, and Tiffanie. What an amazing bunch of women! Southern comfort food, Friends quotes, silly stories, late-night Target runs...I felt like I was back in college. p.s. Girls...I'd love to see pictures of our adventures!
*Saturday I drove down to Inman, KS, (by McPherson) to visit my dear friend Jodi, and attend her sister's wedding shower. 30 women showed up for the "tea party" and to celebrate Melanie and Chuck.

Our wonderful friend Angie was back in the US (she's a missionary far-away), and several other college girls spent the night at the Lightner family farm. We giggled until after midnight.
*This week is Spring Break. I wish I could say I've been really productive and have completed

*My sister Anna is spending the week in Lithuania, visiting the other country she loves.

All in all, life is good...God is consistent and very real...
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