Friday, March 23, 2007

Not a Flannel Board Jesus

Here are a couple of the flannel boards I made for our Small Group. The first one is the Nativity, and the second is the Temptation in the Desert.

Coming up soon...The Feeding of the 5,000! That's a lot of little fish to cut out!!

The book we're reading continues to emphasize that Christ was not simply the meek, kind, flannel-clad figure we learned about in Sunday School. It's definitely challenging the way I think about Jesus and my relationship with Him.

Here are a few of the guys having an impromptu praise and worship session at the end of small group: Josh, Mike S., Chad and Phil.
And here are some of the girls I've been blessed to shepherd and fellowship with over the past 5 weeks: Cassie, Denise, myself & Becky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're pretty amazing with the flannels. I can feel the tension posed in the second scene (lol).

You are so fun...

Cam had a good time connecting with Josh.

love you guys-