This week, my 6th grade students are learning classroom expectations. Yesterday we discussed what to do if you finish your work early, how the sign-out sheet works to go to the bathroom (to save the teacher from writing out individual passes), where to turn in a completed assignment, and what time they are dismissed for lunch. All of these details are posted in various spots around the room.
What kinds of questions do you suppose I was asked today?
"I'm done with my work...what should I do?" "I need to go to the bathroom. Can you write me a pass?" "Where do I put my assignment when I'm finished?" "When's lunch?"
I answered the first few hours of questions, but eventually started just pointing a yardstick at the wall where all the guidelines were posted, or at the basket clearly labeled HOUR 4 LANGUAGE ARTS ASSIGNMENTS, or at the schedule posted next to the clock.
Oh, and also, "Do you have a boyfriend?" and "Do you always wear flip-flops to school?" to which I just smiled and nodded and continued explaining how to check out books from the library.
But these kids are not the only forgetful ones when it comes to rules and expectations.
This morning as I was driving to work, I heard a Go Fish song called "The Ten Commandment Boogie." It seemed like a catchy way to teach kids some of God's basic rules, although now at lunchtime, I can't remember any of the lyrics. I mean, I know what the Commandments are, or where to look them up if I needed them, but not the actual words to the song.
And I wondered if God ever got tired of me asking the same questions over and over and over. "Do you really exist?" "Do you really love me?" "Do you really hear me when I pray?" "Do you really have a plan for my life?" "Will you really speak to me?" "Do you mean it?"
Maybe God just sometimes wants to point a yardstick at my Bible and say, "Don't you remember? You know this information. Look it up. I told you yesterday. Please try to remember what I tell you. Believe me. It's for your own good."
May these verses from Psalm 119 be the true desire of my heart.
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees.
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
1 comment:
I can't tell you how excited I got seeing your second and third posts up and going. You really are an official blogger : ) I love your perspectives and the deep thoughts you bring out from ordinary life. You are such a treasure! I have a break in my day so I'm going to go soak up some Psalm 119. Thanks for your life's ponderings. We will see you soon! Shar
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