Obviously, I haven't blogged in a while, so if you're even checking this, thanks for sticking around!
You can check out Josh's blog for recent pictures of our trip to North Carolina for my brother-in-law's wedding. Congratulations, Jared and Heather!
I'm in the middle of a 3-week summer vacation before we start school again August 6. The last time I had a week off (Spring Break), I pretty much wasted the entire time. Nothing checked off the to-do list...no little gold stars on the sticker chart...not a good situation.
This week, however, I was determined to get some stuff done. We're nearing the end of the fix-it-up projects on our house, so I put my Dave's Paint Crew skills to work.
I'm proud to say that I checked everything off my list for last week: trim paint around the living room ceiling; clean the scary floor underneath the fridge and stove; trim paint behind said major appliances; catch up on laundry; pack up extra books in office; hang out with Shar and her kids; clean out leftovers from the fridge; finish scrapbooking summer pictures.

Yay for productivity! Gold star on the sticker chart! (don't worry...we don't really have one of those)
Josh has been pouring concrete and laying tile in our 2nd story bathroom, so I'm also his go-fer girl, running up and down the stairs to find mysterious things like the miter saw box, or the can of denatured alcohol, or a piece of scrapwood at least 25" but not longer than 36", or to hold the PVC pipe steady until the glue dries. I'm trying to be a good helper! Josh taught me how to use the sheet-rock saw, and I got to cut a hole in the wall for the air-return vent. Good times!
But honestly, I'm ready to go back to work. I think I'm getting house-fatigue...I like where we live, for the most part, but I am definitely ready to have a weekend without any fix-it projects.
I'm so grateful for Josh's skill and determination in getting our house ready to put on the market. We're getting better at working together on projects without arguing. I wish I had some wise insight or poetic application about the whole fixing-it-up-ness that we're going through, but my head's kind of empty right now.
That's what happens when you're on vacation.
Why won't this thing let me leave the following great comment?
I was just telling somebody at work today about all the great vacations we took in the green Dodge station wagon, and the silver Taurus with all the stuff on the roof... we really did do a lot of road-rolling, didn't we? All those vacations... maybe that's why my head's still empty! :c)
You go, girl!!
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