Okay, so these pictures were taken in the parking lot of the place where I work. Most handicapped parking spots are marked with a yellow stick person sitting in a wheel chair. I honestly mean no disrespect for the actual people who need to use these handicapped parking spots... I'm just confused.
What is this guy doing? Hula-hooping? Cartwheels? The Pee-Wee Herman Dance?

Or what about here? I think I see the wheelchair guy, but is that the LochNess Monster on his lap?

This one reminds me of this cowboy thing my Grandpa Detrich used to have down at his office, where you tried to tip the little guy off of his stump, but he was balanced with a big long pole, like a tight-rope walker. Kind of hard to explain.
As is this:

This one is probably my favorite, considering that where I work is sort of ghetto.
This is the designated spot for gunmen to park. How thoughtful.